What we do

Refeasy provides a secure online platform for all professionals and students to request, save, access and forward reference & recommendation letters from previous employers and educational institutions.

We seek to improve and fast track access to reference and recommendation letters by both employees, job seekers and employers.

We deliver an online portal service with you in mind. We understand how frustrating and stressful it could be in the current professional climate to request for references from employers especially for self-employed professionals who undertake short - term contract roles via multiple recruitment agencies. Graduates in search of job opportunities may find themselves in difficult situations with no work experience and lack of recommendation.

Refeasy has delivered a solution. A quick referencing system with access to a variety of profession - tailored reference templates. Request and forward your reference and recommendation letters in just a few clicks.

We are proud to be paperlessbecause our online based user-focused referencing services relatively saves time and the environment.

Refeasy offers you a secure, personal online account.

  • which is subscription - based and managed solely by the account holder with options for upgrade and renewal.
  • with all your reference and recommendation letters saved in one place which are readily accessible anytime and anywhere. Your access to contents of reference and recommendation letters may be restricted by the referee from whom the document was requested.
  • to forward or send your reference or recommendation letter to any potential employer or educational institution. An option to forward to multiple recipients is also available. This is subject to your referee's approval. (Referee may approve a reference or recommendation letter for single or multiple use).
  • which sends you real-time e-mail notifications when your referee responds to your request and when a recipient accesses a reference or recommendation letter sent from your account.
  • where you can view the details of any recipient who has accessed your reference and recommendation letters.

With Refeasy, employers and educational institutions

  • have access to a quick, online referencing system to provide reference and recommendation letters for employees and students in just minutes.
  • save time by providing one reference per role for each employee and one recommendation per course studied for each student respectively. The provided reference or recommendation letter may be shared with multiple recipients (subject to referee's approval) by the employee or student during job or academic applications.
  • have the option to receive a copy of the completed reference or recommendation letter electronically.
  • have a fast and secure platform to access reference or recommendation letters which have been forwarded to them by registered users.

Your online safety and security is very important to us. This is why we have provided an online platform with a top - notch, round-the-clock security and encryption system. We have gone the extra mile with an experienced, highly trained support team which regularly monitors Refeasy website activities, collect and analyse non-personal data to enhance your online protection and optimise website performance.

For further information about Refeasy, please contact us.

We believe our platform has made it possible for your referee to share a reference or recommendation letter with you. Access to the content of your reference or recommendation may help you identify areas of improvement in your professional role which could be key in your career development and satisfaction.

Our dedicated Support Team understands the needs of our clients delivering excellent customer service on a regular basis. We are always happy to help and respond immediately to all your account-related queries.

Refeasy actively listens to your comments, suggestions and complaints to help us look after your needs and improve our services. If you catch us at a busy time dealing with queries from other clients, please leave us a message or send us an online enquiry form and you are guaranteed a response as soon as practicable.

You may contact us by phone, post, fax and online via our contact us page.

For further information about Refeasy, please contact us.

Refeasy is a registered trademark of Refeasy Limited.

Registered address: 2nd Floor, Titan Court, 3 Bishop Square, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9NA, United Kingdom

Company Registration Number: 09990292.

UK VAT Reg. Number: 264 3100 38

© 2024 - 2025 Refeasy Limited. All rights reserved